April 30th, 2010
Soundgarden Returns
It finally happened. One of the most anticipated reunions in rock took place on April 16th and Soundgarden posted one of the songs on YouTube. Check it out!
The original line-up will be playing later this year at the annual Lollapalooza festival. Who else is hoping these guys do a world tour?!
Trav - follow me on Twitter (TravisLee87)
April 22nd, 2010
Alexander Ovechkin
Mr. Ovechkin is the centre of controversy all over again. Here's why:
Is he a bad guy for spraying the poor little kid or was it all in good fun?
I'm honestly having trouble deciding because I can't stop laughing at the video. It's so funny! Let's face it...the kid didn't get hurt from some snow. I can admit that the incident added a whole lot more to the "hate" factor in this playoff series.
Trav - follow me on Twitter (TravisLee87)
April 22nd, 2010
Beard Update

It's really sad. I'm still in the itchy stage and the Devils are down 3-1 in the series to the Philadelphia Flyers. I still have confidence that they can come back but they can make no more mistakes. The quality of my beard is solely on the back of that team!
Trav - follow me on Twitter (TravisLee87)
April 19th, 2010
Administrative Professionals Day
The week of April 18th-24th is Administrative Professionals Week and April 21st is the biggest day of celebration. It is kind of hard to define what an "administrative professional" is because their duties are so widespread. They do everything! We're going to thank you for all that you do by having a contest specially designed for you.
Wednesday morning at 9:00 AM, Chris will read an exerpt from a cheesy romance novel. As you hear it, type it up with proper punctuation and spelling and send it to cgill@newcap.ca to win yourself a prize.
Good luck and thank you for all your hard work!
Trav - follow me on Twitter (TravisLee87)
April 16th, 2010
What Not to do in the Kitchen
Do not leave cookie sheets on the burner!

There's the damage I did. I was stupid (as always) and turned on the wrong burner, the one that had this cookie sheet on it. Smoke was bellowing off of it and it set off my smoke alarm. Thankfully I and nothing else got hurt.
Trav - follow me on Twitter (TravisLee87)
April 14th, 2010
Playoff Beard
A playoff tradition that I like to take part in is growing a beard until my team gets knocked out of the playoffs. Sometimes you get a pretty good beard going cheering for a team like the New Jersey Devils. As I've gotten older, more rules have been put in place for me. Some workplaces don't like beards, some women don't like the beards and that's my number one problem. Here is my progress so far but it's all subject to change if certain women in my life make me shave.

Notice the chin hair. That's a goatee. Not a full playoff beard. If the Devils make it deep this year, it will fill out the playoff beard. Updates will be posted every week!
Trav - follow me on Twitter (TravisLee87)
April 14th, 2010
NHL Playoff Pool
Today's a great day to be alive, isn't it? It's an even better day to be a rainy one. We need all the excuses we can get to sit on the couch and watch playoff hockey all night.
I'm a New Jersey Devils fan and I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the first round is going to be a piece of cake. Philadelphia Flyers? Pfft. You better pick them in this pool.
If you love hockey, why not just pick who you think is going to win so you can win some sweet prizes? You can win numerous gift certificates to Game-On Sports and the grand prize is AWESOME. A Bud Light beer fridge stocked with Bud Light. It doesn't get much better than that.
By the way, if you entered for the regular season pool, the same log-in information will work!
Trav - follow me on Twitter (TravisLee87)
April 12th, 2010
Spring Has Sprung!
April showers bring May flowers, right? Waking up to the fresh smell of rain is one of the most refreshing things one can experience...especially after a long, dry, cold and brutal winter.

Not so fast! That's what I saw when I woke up this morning. Back are the wet socks and toque hair. Back is scraping windshields and struggling to get the window down in the drive-thru.
Life just isn't fair.
Trav - follow me on Twitter (TravisLee87)
April 8th, 2010
New Tiger Woods Commercial
I guess Tiger's new strategy to earn the public's respect back is to humiliate himself.
It's certainly a hard-hitting commercial. In case you didn't know, the man lecturing Tiger is his deceased father. Is he humiliating himself with this commercial or is he somehow using his father's inspiration to help him on the course? What do you think?
Trav - follow me on Twitter (TravisLee87)
April 5th, 2010
Never Prank an NBA Player
These guys are always packin' if you know what I mean. It's been proven with Gilbert Arenas going to court after bringing firearms to the arena. Would you really want to pull a prank on one of these guys?
A ball boy for the Denver Nuggets had the guts to! Last week I posted a video of someone buttering a floor but the ball boy actually filled Kenyon Martin's Range Rover with buttered popcorn. I think it's a pretty good one!
Martin sure didn't appreciate it though. Here's what he had to say on the ordeal:
""That ain't no [expletive] joke," Martin said. "I'm going to find out who did it ... put my [expletive] hands on one of y'all. I'm going to put my hands on whoever did it. You better believe that. It's [expletive] personal. You better believe it."
He also threatened that he would skip the playoffs if no one owned up to it. The ball boy ended up admitting he did it to one of the owners of the Denver Nuggets and everything is fine now.
Why is it that hockey is considered such a barbaric sport? It may be on the ice but off of it all the players seem to be pretty good natured. Maybe it's because the sport's dominated by Canadians and we know how to take a joke.
Trav - follow me on Twitter (TravisLee87)
April 1st, 2010
Happy April Fool's Day!
In honour of April Fool's Day, here's one of my favourites! Explicit language warning! He only says what you'd say if the same thing happened to you though...
What's the best prank you've witnessed? Leave a comment!
Trav - follow me on Twitter (TravisLee87)