Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I know, I know...people are all into staying green but that's fine because a certain group of people make me mad. In fact, furious.

Cyclists! Do you think you're so clever with your little hand signals? Do you think you're cool because you get to drive on the road with the rest of us?

Guess what. You're not cool. Everyone hates you. Get off of the road when I'm trying to drive! The hardworking taxpayers of this city paid for sidewalks for idiots like you. Use them! 

Some of us have anniversaries to attend, doctors to visit, and children to bear! If you can't pedal at LEAST speed limit, get out of my way.

Why don't you just ride on one of thos hybrid ETS buses if you want to save the environment? Wait! The bus drivers are insane too...but that's another rant for another entry.

Wow...I didn't know I had it in me..


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