Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's halfway through November and for some odd reason, we still don't have any snow! Yet, for some strange reason, people all around me are complaining that it's cold.

By this time last year (maybe even the last few years), we have had quite a bit of snow with considerably colder temperatures. I want to know why Canadians keep complaining that it's cold.

Many of us have lived in Canada for well over 20 years...and it seems like you expect the temperatures to hover above freezing for the whole year! NEWSFLASH: IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

Believe me, if you never expect the warmth to stay, the cold won't disappoint you. Don't you ever say you hate snow. I know when you were all little kids, you were dying to hit the snow hill for the first time. You were dying to make that first snow angel, have that first snowball fight. Maybe it's because I refuse to grow up and act like an "adult" but every November and sometimes even October when it snows, I am just as giddy as I was when I was eight years old. I instantly pop the Elvis Christmas CD in and that stays in the CD player up until the Christmas lights go dim. I'm actually getting kind of worried that the snow won't should be here!

And drivers. Do Canadians forget how to drive when the first snowfall hits? It's quite hilarious, actually. All we really have to do is take extra caution when it's icy but noooo, those same drivers continue to speed their way through intersections and crosswalks putting themselves and others at risk. Then there's people freaking out and saying, "I HAVE TO GET MY WINTER TIRES!". I've never had winter tires during icy times and I've never had a problem. Drive like it's winter and you'll be completely fine.

My last entry was based strongly on patriotism but this one is too, I guess. I can't get over how older folks leave for the whole winter to Arizona or something. Do older people feel the effects of cold moreso than us young folk? No offense to you guys! If you're going to leave every winter, why didn't you just buy a one way ticket when you were younger?

BE PROUD OF THE COLD! Be proud of your identity. There's a reason why some of our neighbours to the south think that we live in igloos and get around by dogsled. It only fuels those thoughts when we leave for the winter. The cold will always be here and will always be part of what we are. Get used to it and stop complaining.

Regardless, I'm still kind of worried about having no snow yet...maybe this global warming thing is serious.

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