Wednesday, January 18, 2012


One of the biggest things I can say right now is that I'm proud of myself. I really didn't think I could do what I have already accomplished and I only started living my new healthy lifestyle a little over two weeks ago.

I was reminded of how far I've come when I was riding the stationary bike at the gym late last week. When I hurt my back in 2004, I was unable to control anything below my waist directly after the incident. My entire left leg and foot was especially bad. I began rehabbing and part of the process was riding the stationary bike. I had problems keeping my foot on the pedals if it didn't have those straps that most bikes have. We actually had to tie my feet to the pedals with those tensor bands. In my ride last week, I rode for half an hour with my left foot falling off once. It's such a little success but it has already made me so proud of myself.

As far as eating healthy and losing weight goes so far, I couldn't be happier with myself. I've been able to pack a lunch most days including a turkey sandwich, an apple, and some vegetables. I find that snacking on some almonds in the afternoon holds me over until supper quite well. I also haven't had a drink of COKE. This is a massive step for the first few weeks I'd honestly get head aches and feel cranky because I didn't have my daily Coke going into my radio show at 2 o'clock. Those have since gone away and I thought I would reward myself after last weekend but I haven't really felt like having one, to be honest. I felt like I needed that extra dose of caffeine to keep me awake throughout the day but even this week when I was covering the morning show for Chris, I didn't have an ounce of caffeine. Not even a coffee. All I had was water and I had no problems waking up...maybe eating breakfast attributes to that.

I've hit the gym at least five times every week since I've started and late last week, something weird happened. I kind of felt like going if that makes any sense. I didn't even have a hard time pushing myself while I was there. I find the best way for me to work out is by target heart rate. Once I get to 150 range, I really start to sweat and feel like I'm accomplishing something. It's cool!

The number one thing I find that keeps me going is compliments I get from people. When I'm out and about and someone asks if I have been working out, it makes me want to go directly to the gym and keep going. My jeans I got for Christmas (the first pair I've owned in 10 years) are actually already falling down. I'm glad I didn't use my own money to buy them!

P.S. - I promised myself that I would weigh in every Friday buttttt...I weighed in two Fridays ago at 314 pounds and then the next Friday at 344 pounds. I can assure you I didn't gain 30 pounds in seven days, haha. I'll see what number I get this week or maybe I'll just get a new scale.

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