Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Is it me or are friends both the best thing you can have and the worst thing you can have while working on a new healthy lifestyle?

I don't have any friends that want to munch on carrot sticks and suck green tea all day. They'd rather eat chicken wings and drink beer all night and I have an extremely tough time saying "no" when it comes to these outings so I end up getting sucked into it. It's really difficult not to hit up the bar on a Thursday and crush a bunch of wings. Maybe that's got to be my treat night to keep me honest? I'm not sure. Then again, your friends will always be there to say how good you're looking with the weight loss. It's a double-edged sword.

Two weeks ago I said I'd return to the gym but I never did. However, last Tuesday I hit the gym and have been going ever since. I've picked up right where I left off and didn't gain much, if any of my weight back. The way I look at it is I'm starting (again) at a much better position than I did in January. Things are going well and I still haven't went back to my old habit of a litre and a half of Coke a day. Still sucking back the water!

As far as the weight loss goes, obviously it has been slowing down a little bit with me hitting the town more and more but I'm still around the 20-25 pounds down mark. By summer, I should look awesome! Just gotta keep trucking.

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